Posts tagged Marathon Training
Rino Levesque on What it Truly Takes to Chase After a Boston Qualifier and a Dream

This is a conversation that every runner who is or is thinking about having a Boston Qualifying marathon time as a goal should pay attention to. Marathon running is a cruel sport. It doesn't care how prepared you are, how fit you are, and how mentally ready you are. Sometimes when you line up to that start line, factors outside of your control mean that it is just not going to be your day. When you are chasing a time standard at the limit of what you are capable of, it will be hard. Someone will rarely get it on their first try, and if they do, then that time standard was that close to their limit of potential. What takes true courage, grit and determination are to keep showing up and trying again that 2nd, 3rd or more times because you've decided that it is truly important to you.

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Ian Loughead on How Taking the Time To Slow Down Made Him a Faster Runner

This is a conversation about learning to slow down to run fast. Ian is a fellow running coach and one of the BLT Runners' founders in Halifax, NS. He is always finding a way to give back to his community through volunteering with the BLT runners coaching speed workouts, organizing races to fundraise for charity, and picking up tons of trash while he is out for his runs.

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Erin Poirier on Running Across The Gambia

This is a conversation about determination. Erin is a badass runner, fellow coach, mother, and nurse. She has won races outright, but she works hard to keep performing at this level, and it shows through in everything that she does. One morning she casually dropped that she ran across an entire African country, and I’ve always wanted to know more about that, so here we are.

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